embracing nutrition and functional medicine

How to have a happy, healthy menopause

Do you suffer from the dreaded menopausal night sweats, forgetfulness, achy joints and insomnia? Maybe you’re wondering why you’re affected, while other women seemingly breeze through their menopause? Menopause is a natural transition experienced by every woman – it’s not a disease and you shouldn’t have to live with these uncomfortable symptoms. In celebration of […]

Breast Cancer – Reduce your risk

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month runs throughout October, aiming to increase understanding of the disease and its risk factors. During this October alone, around 5,000 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Read on to discover how diet and lifestyle influence the development or recurrence of breast cancer, so you can take […]

Wave Goodbye to PMS

If you regularly suffer from PMS, you don’t need me to remind you how much it can get you down. Although every sufferer experiences PMS slightly differently, you may find the troublesome psychological and physical symptoms significantly impair your quality of life. PMS symptoms are caused because of imbalances in oestrogen and progesterone, your female […]

Escape the Misery of Cystitis

Do you suffer from cystitis over and over again? Do you dread the warning signs – the burning sensation when you pee, and feeling like you need to visit the toilet every ten minutes? Read on because help is at hand. Urology Awareness Month runs throughout September, and although urology covers the kidneys, bladder and, […]

Reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease

If you’ve watched a loved one slowly develop the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, you’ll know what a debilitating and distressing condition it is. World Alzheimer’s Day aims to improve understanding about this frightening and devastating disease. By highlighting issues faced by people with Alzheimer’s, its goal is to reduce the stigma faced by sufferers. In this […]



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Please enter your contact details below and some details of your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for your discovery call and we will get back to you to arrange a suitable time for your FREE 15 Minute Call

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Please enter your contact details below and some details of your symptoms for your discovery call and we will get back to you to arrange a suitable time for your FREE 15 Minute Call

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If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours-notice 50% fee will be incurred. If an appointment is not attended a 100% fee will be charged.

If an appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours-notice by Embracing Nutrition, a 50% reduction of your next appointment will be made.